FREDERICTON (CNB) – Two long-time professional foresters have been named to a task force that will establish timber objectives for private land. Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup made the announcement today.

"We are pleased to have Robert Ritchie and Tony Rotherham join task force chair Donald Floyd in carrying out this important task,'' said Northrup. "Together, they have the collective experience and knowledge to help establish timber objectives for New Brunswick's private forests.''

Ritchie has been involved in forestry for almost 30 years at the university level, in the private woodlot sector and with large forest companies throughout eastern and central Canada. He was a member of the Faculty of Forestry at the Université de Moncton's Edmundston campus from 2004 to 2010.

Rotherham has 48 years of experience in the forest sector, including more than 20 years as a senior executive with the Forest Products Association of Canada. More recently, he helped develop woodlot management standards for the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners and authored a report on the importance of private woodlands.

Rotherham and Ritchie will join Floyd in making recommendations to the provincial government by Dec. 31, 2011, on timber objectives that will provide a stable and predictable wood supply from private land.

Floyd is the interim dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. He was appointed chair of the Private Land Task Force in January and was involved in the selection of Ritchie and Rotherham as task force members.

"Rob Ritchie and Tony Rotherham are exceptional foresters with decades of practical experience,'' said Floyd. "We are fortunate to have them as task force members.  Their insights will be invaluable for our work.''

A second task force is establishing timber objectives for Crown land. It will report to government by July 1, 2011.

"Having timber objectives for Crown and private land will focus the efforts of private woodlot owners, industry and government on putting in place the right policies and practices to improve the competitiveness of our forest sector,'' said Northrup. "Improving competitiveness will allow us to grow this sector.''

The establishment of the two task forces was part of a series of actions announced in December to strengthen and renew New Brunswick's forest industry. The actions were in response to recommendations made by stakeholders at the Forestry Summit held Nov. 19, 2010.

A complete report on the summit, including what was discussed, the recommendations made and the provincial government's response, is available online.


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