FREDERICTON (GNB) – A record number of moose were harvested during the recent three-day moose hunt, Natural Resources Minister Bruce Northrup said today.

"Preliminary figures indicate a harvest of 3,556 moose, which is an increase of 44 per cent from last fall and a record-high moose harvest for New Brunswick,'' said Northrup. "This increase in the moose harvest is mainly due to a significant increase in the number of licences made available to New Brunswickers during the past two years.''

Since 2010, 1,070 licences have been added, many in areas with a high number of moose-vehicle accidents in an effort to reduce collisions.

There were 4,724 licensed hunters for the Sept. 27-29 hunt, about 75 per cent of whom were successful in harvesting a moose. The success rate was well above the five-year average of 66 per cent. The previous high moose harvest was 2,573 set in 2001.