PAQUETVILLE (GNB) – Premier David Alward visited Paquetville today to highlight progress made in reducing poverty as part of rebuilding New Brunswick.

“New Brunswick has a unique model for poverty reduction,” said Alward. “Through it, a lot of good work has been accomplished. While we have been able to do a great deal to help lift New Brunswickers out of poverty, it is something that requires ongoing co-operation and collaboration.”

The province’s poverty reduction plan involves government, business, community non-profit organizations, and people who have experienced poverty, working in partnership on 22 specific action areas to enhance the quality of life for those living in poverty.  

Alward listed some of the achievements made through the plan. These include:

●    a new dental and vision plan for children of low-income families;
●    major investments in early learning and child care to increase the number of registered early learning spaces;
●    a $ 2 million increase in funding for school supplies for low-income families;  
●    an additional $1.1 million to support affordable housing rent supplements; and
●    increased funding for homeless shelters and on-going work with them to reduce chronic homelessness in the province.

Community inclusion networks have also been established throughout the province and have begun work on developing poverty reduction plans in each of 12 defined regions.

“The Community Inclusion Networks are working hard to craft plans that address the unique challenges facing each region and its residents,” Alward said. “Reducing poverty is one of my top priorities as premier and its one of the main goals of our government. As we continue our work to rebuild New Brunswick, we do so with the goal of reducing poverty so that all New Brunswickers have the opportunity to take part in strengthening our quality of life and communities together.”