FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswick has a unique opportunity to build a digital society, according to a report released by the New Brunswick Research and Innovation Council.

“Innovation is a foundation of our government's plan to create jobs and make life better in New Brunswick communities," said Premier David Alward, a co-chair of the council. "Our $82 million Innovation Agenda is working. It is encouraging start-ups and intellectual property development, creating the right environment for our people to export their products and ideas all over the world."

The 2014 State of Innovation report provides an update on existing initiatives and recommends a series of steps to ensure continued progress.

“With highly-skilled information technology workers, trail-blazing companies and an advanced digital infrastructure, New Brunswick is already a leader in innovation,” said Geoff Flood, CEO of T4G and co-chair of the council. “This report outlines ways we can continue our momentum by building an increasingly digitized society which we feel offers an opportunity and platform for growth.”

Established in 2013, the New Brunswick Research and Innovation Council is responsible for leadership and oversight of the provincial innovation agenda. Its primary goal is to accelerate the growth of innovation-based entrepreneurship in the province and to create the conditions for the commercialization of current and future research in the province’s public universities and research centres.

The report is available online.