FREDERICTON (GNB) – Health Minister Victor Boudreau, who is also minister responsible for Strategic Program Review, released a discussion paper and an engagement tour schedule today and is encouraging New Brunswickers to participate in the process.

“We are facing a big challenge as a province, and the government cannot fix this alone,” said Boudreau. “We are going to be looking to New Brunswickers for their ideas, creativity and hard work in the weeks and months ahead as we work to right our fiscal ship.”

A discussion paper has been published which explains the goal, the challenge and poses three questions to New Brunswickers to help guide the government’s deliberations. The questions are:

  • What does a thriving New Brunswick look like to you 10 years from now?
  • Thinking of all of the things government spends money on to provide the residents of New Brunswick with services, what are three things that you think government could stop doing to save money?
  • With all of the financial challenges facing our province, what three things do you think government could do to raise money?

Boudreau will visit 14 communities across New Brunswick in January and February to solicit input on these questions, and more broadly on the role of government. The sessions will feature small groups of residents participating in dialogues at their tables before sharing their conclusions with the larger group. The feedback will also serve as the 2015-16 pre-budget consultation.

New Brunswickers are also invited to submit their ideas online, by mail, or by hosting their own dialogue with tools provided by the Strategic Program Review Secretariat.  Details on all of these options are available online. After this initial engagement phase, there will be further opportunities available to be engaged through social media. Boudreau said the provincial government will also hold a major conference this spring to discuss the strategic program review with key stakeholders and experts.

The engagement tour will visit the following communities:

  • Jan. 26 – Pont-Landry;
  • Jan. 27 – Balmoral;
  • Jan. 29 – Saint-Léonard;
  • Jan. 31 – Miramichi;
  • Feb. 2 – Moncton;
  • Feb. 4 – Minto;
  • Feb. 7 – Rexton;
  • Feb. 9 – Bathurst;
  • Feb. 10 – Fredericton;
  • Feb. 12 – Saint John;
  • Feb. 14 – Sackville;
  • Feb. 16 – Saint Andrews;
  • Feb. 18 – Florenceville-Bristol; and
  • Feb. 21 – Norton.