FREDERICTON (GNB) – Entrepreneurs, businesses and researchers will be celebrated during Innovation Week, May 2-8.

“New Brunswick has a long history of innovation,” said Premier Brian Gallant, who is also the minister responsible for innovation. “Innovation Week provides an opportunity to celebrate and support the substantial work of New Brunswickers, New Brunswick businesses and those with an entrepreneurial spirit as they question the status quo.”

The week’s program will highlight the three core areas of the province’s Innovation Growth Strategy: the Smart Province Strategy; growth in public and private research and development; and innovation laboratories.

“Innovation is crucial to traditional and emerging industries,” said Gallant. “It also helps advance New Brunswickers’ priorities of improving health care, senior care and education.’

The provincial government partnered with TechImpact in October 2015 to create NB+. This partnership brings together expertise from the public and private sectors, and it is focused on using technology to:

  • find more efficient, smarter ways for the government to deliver services;
  • develop new products and services for New Brunswickers to better connect with the government; and
  • create new opportunities through open data initiatives.

During the week, Gallant will participate in events around the province that support and promote innovation. More details regarding events and activities will be available in the coming weeks.