FREDERICTON (CNB) – The provincial government is restoring the Home Energy Assistance Program, which is estimated to provide help for 55,000 New Brunswickers.

Finance Minister Blaine Higgs introduced an amendment to the New Brunswick Income Tax Act that is the first step toward restoring the program – a commitment made in Putting New Brunswickers First.

"We are pleased to return this popular program, which has helped so many people throughout the province in the past," Higgs said. "It will go a long way toward helping those people who have difficulty meeting the challenges of paying for home heating during the coldest months of the year."

It is anticipated that when the amendments go through the legislature, New Brunswickers will be able to apply for a $100 benefit to help with their heating needs beginning in January 2011. To qualify for the benefit, family income must be less than $28,000 annually.