FREDERICTON (CNB) - Premier Shawn Graham and five ministers will be in Ottawa this week to meet with federal ministers as a follow-up to the federal budget.

"Our objective is to explore all avenues to guarantee that our economy receives the maximum benefit from the federal government's stimulus package," said Graham. "New Brunswick was one of the first jurisdictions in Canada to outline its plan to confront the global economic challenges, and we need the federal government to focus its investments in a complementary manner."

Business New Brunswick Minister Greg Byrne; Minister of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Donald Arseneault; Minister of Transportation Denis Landry; Minister of Energy Jack Keir; and Minister of Finance Victor Boudreau will accompany Graham.

Federal ministers listed on the two-day agenda include Greg Thompson, minister of veterans affairs Canada; John Baird, minister of transport, infrastructure and communities; Peter MacKay, minister of national defence and minister for the Atlantic Gateway; Tony Clement, minister of industry; Lisa Raitt, minister of natural resources; Keith Ashfield, minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; and Jim Prentice, minister of environment.