EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – The work by French artist Anita Facon, entitled La Grand’Goule, was unveiled and given to the provincial government on Aug. 17 in Edmundston, as part of the World Acadian Congress.

Facon, from Poitiers, France, made the sculpture inspired by her birthplace and the theme of La Grande Goule, a mythical animal from the legends of the Département de la Vienne. She produced the work when she was in residence as an artist in Caraquet during the Atlantic Visual Arts Festival. Her work was made possible through a partnership between General Council of the Département de la Vienne and the provincial government.

“The provincial government accepts this generous gift from the Département de la Vienne," said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé. “This work symbolizes perfectly the historical and cultural ties that bind us and the friendship we have cultivated over the years.”

The sculpture will be on display at the multimedia pavilion in Edmundston throughout the World Acadian Congress being held in l’Acadie des terres et forêts (the land and forests of Acadie).

“Ms. Facon’s work will be a legacy from the Département de la Vienne to the Acadian people and to this congress," Dubé said. "I invite everyone to come and admire this remarkable sculpture."

You can learn more about the Département de la Vienne by visiting its pavilion at ExpoMonde (World Expo) being held in Grand Falls until Aug. 23. The cooperation agreement between New Brunswick and La Vienne, which has been in effect for 30 years, was renewed on Aug. 15.