FREDERICTON (GNB) – Students in all schools and post-secondary education institutions in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island will be invited to participate in activities promoting careers during the week of Oct. 31 to Nov. 4 as part of Atlantic Canada Career Week to be launched by the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training.

The theme of the week is Create Your Own Future. It is meant to promote career development as an integral part of student learning, supported by using a whole-school approach with age-appropriate activities. The week also provides post-secondary students with activities to assist in their career development.

Atlantic Canada Career Week will feature a theme for each day, with resources for student activities that are pre-planned and tied to existing curriculum outcomes. Students will participate in activities relating to self-assessment and self-exploration, the development of entrepreneurial skills, career experience and workplace experience, networking and making connections, and planning for the future. Activities will be available in a print format or can be downloaded online.

Atlantic ministers of education, post-secondary education and training said the week will complement provincial initiatives to help students effectively manage career choices as part of their ongoing learning in public and post-secondary education.

The week builds on the Canadian Career Month sponsored by the Canadian Council for Career Development and the recommendations contained in Future in Focus – Atlantic Career Development Framework for Public Education: 2015-2020, released by the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training in June 2015 and available online at the council’s website. At their Sept. 21 meeting, the ministers also announced the development of competencies to demonstrate the required skills needed to effectively transition from studies to work.

The council is an agency of the departments responsible for public and post-secondary education. Its purpose is to enhance co-operation in public (entry to Grade 12) and post-secondary education in Atlantic Canada by working together to improve learning, optimize efficiencies and bring added value to provincial initiatives.