MONCTON (GNB) – The provincial government will provide $500,000 to Atlantic Human Services to support newcomers in the Moncton region.

"Newcomers from all over the world are considering making New Brunswick home," said Finance Minister Cathy Rogers. "We want to make them feel welcome, settled and on the pathway to success. This funding will help achieve these goals."

Rogers spoke on behalf of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Donald Arseneault.

The funding, over two years, will help Atlantic Human Services develop employment action plans and provide employment counselling services to newcomers.

The Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour’s Employment Assistance Services provides access to employment-related services for people facing barriers.

“Our team of employment counsellors is currently serving over 200 newcomers and providing them with the knowledge, tools and support necessary to successfully integrate into the Moncton-area economy,” said Atlantic Human Services president and CEO Joffre Thériault. “This new funding will allow us to help even more newcomers find meaningful employment opportunities here in the Moncton area as they become active members of the community.”

The government also recently announced that the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Project is underway in New Brunswick. It is a three-year, employer-driven immigration program to attract and retain talented immigrants while supporting population growth and addressing labour shortages. The pilot project will welcome 2,000 additional immigrants and their families to the four Atlantic provinces, a key component of the Atlantic Growth Strategy. Immigration and population growth is also an important part of the New Brunswick Economic Growth Plan.

Interested employers can find more information online about how to register and participate in the program.

The provincial and federal governments also signed the Canada-New Brunswick Immigration Agreement in Moncton last month during the first joint Forum on Francophone Immigration. The agreement supports New Brunswick in its goal to help fill labour shortages and grow the population by welcoming more immigrants, and also included the first francophone immigration annex in Canada.

The government also recently launched, a website that serves as an immigration hub for New Brunswickers, employers, and skilled foreign workers.