FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Blaine Higgs today issued the following holiday message:

At this special time of year, I wish to extend season’s greetings to all New Brunswickers.

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate and give thanks for our blessings, we all have an opportunity to share the warmth and wonder of the season with those around us.

The past year has certainly been a memorable one. Much changed during 2018, and there will be more changes to come. Changes that I believe will both challenge us and inspire us as a province.

Though New Brunswickers show their compassion and support for one another throughout the year, during the holiday season they truly shine. Whether donating money, food or time, buying a special gift for a child who would not otherwise get one, or being kind to an overworked cashier, the people of this province embrace the spirit of giving in its many forms.

It is that spirit, that willingness to help one another that I admire most. As we look ahead to the new year, I have never been more optimistic about the New Brunswick dream and I look forward to the role we will all play in writing the next chapter in the story of our province.

May the joy and hope of the Christmas season continue to grow in your home all year long.

On behalf of government, I wish you a Merry Christmas.