FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Blaine Higgs issued the following statement on the Fredericton shootings which took place on Aug. 10, 2018:

It is hard to believe that a year has passed since the tragic shootings in Fredericton that resulted in the deaths of Donnie Robichaud, Bobbie-Lee Wright and two Fredericton Police Force officers, Lawrence Robert (Robb) Costello and Sara Mae Helen Burns.

As we mark this sad day, Marcia and I, along with all New Brunswickers, send our thoughts and prayers to their families and friends.

This terrible incident left the City of Fredericton and our entire province in shock. In some ways, we still are. This is something we never expected to happen in our neighbourhoods, to people we know.

In the face of tragedy, the people of Fredericton and their fellow New Brunswickers stood strong. They came together to support one another and the families of the fallen. They have continued to do so.

Together, we have grieved. And together, we have begun to heal.

Though it is impossible to return to life as it was before the shootings took place, we will continue to build on the strength, compassion and kindness that was displayed in the aftermath. Because that is who we are as New Brunswickers.

But even as we look to the future, we will never forget those we lost on Aug. 10, 2018.