FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following statement was issued today by Premier Blaine Higgs with respect to the CN railworkers strike:

Earlier this week, CN railworkers made the decision to strike and the impact is already being felt here in New Brunswick. We are experiencing supply chain interruptions on inbound and outbound goods and as the weekend approaches, we have limited alternative options.

Several areas of critical infrastructure are particularly impacted, including fuel, manufacturing, retail, and agriculture and aquaculture.

We have been in close contact with partners and stakeholders in these industries and are working to develop contingency plans wherever possible. However, I am very concerned about the potential impact of a long-term strike on New Brunswick’s infrastructure, export capacity and economy.

Even if the strike is resolved quickly, we will continue to experience its effects in the days and weeks ahead in the form of increased gas and grocery prices, as well as in a significant backlog of goods.

I urge the federal government to take real action to encourage both sides to return to the negotiating table as soon as possible. Otherwise, this interruption in services has the potential to have serious economic consequences for our province and for the rest of the country.

I am hopeful that both sides can work together to reach a satisfactory agreement quickly.