FREDERICTON (GNB) – The names of two former Fredericton police officers will be added to the New Brunswick Peace Officers’ Memorial in time for this year’s ceremony.

“I know what it means to put on the uniform and commit your life to serving and protecting the public,” said Public Safety Minister Carl Urquhart. “The loss of peace officers is painful for us to remember. This is an opportunity to show our gratitude for the sacrifice and service made to keep our communities safe.”

The memorial includes the names of 34 New Brunswick peace officers who have died in the line of duty. The names of Const. Robb Costello and Const. Sara Mae Burns, who died while responding to an Aug. 10, 2018, shooting in Fredericton, are being added to the memorial.

A parade of officers will take place at 10:15 a.m. this Sunday when they march from Government House to the memorial. The ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m. The memorial is located along the Saint John River near the intersection of Smythe Street and Pointe-Sainte-Anne Boulevard.

A ceremony is held every two years to remember and honour New Brunswick’s fallen peace officers.

The ceremony is open to the public. A reception will follow at Government House.