SAINT ANDREWS (CNB) – The reopening of the W.C. O'Neill Arena and tennis courts was celebrated today by representatives of the provincial and federal governments as well as the Town of Saint Andrews.

"The provincial government is proud to have played a major part in this important project for Saint Andrews and Charlotte County," said Charlotte-Campobello MLA Curtis Malloch. “As we encourage our residents to become more physically active, we must ensure our regions have recreational infrastructure."

Malloch was appearing on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud.

"Our government understands that investments in recreational infrastructure help to build strong, vibrant communities, and strong communities mean a stronger Canada," said New Brunswick Southwest MP John Williamson. "Our investment of close to $100,000 has helped the Town of Saint Andrews improve the W.C. O'Neill Arena and expand the tennis court facilities. These improved facilities will add to the quality of life and the quality of services available to the families and individuals who are building their futures in Saint Andrews."

Williamson was appearing on behalf of Bernard Valcourt, minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and la Francophonie.

"The council of the Town of Saint Andrews understands the importance of having year-round recreational facilities available for our citizens and realizes these projects would not have been possible without partnering with the federal government through the Atlantic Canada Opportunity Agency and the Government of New Brunswick's Regional Development Corporation," said Saint Andrews Mayor John Craig.

Under the Recreational Infrastructure Canada program, the federal government invested $97,739, while the provincial government invested $75,000. The Town of Saint Andrews contributed $100,047; Efficiency NB provided a rebate of $5,434; and community donations totalled $15,000.

Renovations included an upgraded refrigeration system; new sprinklers; and repairs to the roof and fascia. Programmable thermostats were installed throughout the building, and the lighting system was upgraded, making the building energy efficient. The tennis courts now have two new playing surfaces, and the existing courts have been repaired.