MIRAMICHI (GNB) – The provincial and federal governments are investing a combined $70,000 to support the Atlantic Canada International Air Show in Miramichi.

"Investing in international events such as the Atlantic Canada International Air Show is part of our government's plan to rebuild New Brunswick,” said Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General Robert Trevors. “This project will boost tourism and bring a significant economic impact to the Miramichi region."

Trevors attended the announcement on behalf of Economic Development Minister Paul Robichaud, who is also minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

"We are proud to support projects such as these, which expand economic opportunities for Atlantic Canadians," said Miramichi MP Tilly O'Neill Gordon. "Our investment in the air show is a positive step in supporting local tourism and new economic activity in the Miramichi region."

O'Neill Gordon attended on behalf of Rob Moore, minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

The provincial government is investing $30,000 through the Regional Development Corporation. The federal government, through ACOA, is providing $40,000 under the Innovative Communities Fund. The City of Miramichi is investing $56,898.

"We are pleased to be in partnership with the federal and provincial governments, and we are proud to be the host city for the 2013 Atlantic Canada International Air Show,” said Miramichi Mayor Gerry Cormier. “We look forward to becoming the New Brunswick home of this event. An event of this magnitude helps us to achieve our goal of becoming one of the key tourism destinations in our province."

The funding will support costs related to marketing, operations and air displays as well as software and hardware requirements such as a mobile tourism survey application. This event is an opportunity to promote local tourism as well as land-based defence companies in the region.