FREDERICTON (GNB) – An $1,800 investment by the provincial government resulted in improved accessibility to St. John's Hall in Fredericton including the installation of electronic door openers.

"The provincial government is proud to invest in infrastructure projects that help improve our community facilities," said Justice Minister Troy Lifford.

The funding presentation was made to the Corporation of the Anglican Parish of Douglas and Nashwaaksis by Lifford on behalf of Natural Resources Minister Paul Robichaud, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The improvements were made possible through the Regional Development Corporation's Family and Youth Capital Assistance Program. It gives community groups, non-profit organizations, local service districts and municipalities an opportunity to apply for funding for eligible capital costs for youth- and family-related projects such as playgrounds, sports/recreational facilities, community centres and community equipment.

"This facility is utilized by numerous groups in the community and this investment will benefit many of its users," said Lifford.