SAINT JOHN (GNB) – A $300,000 investment is being made in three poverty reduction programs in Saint John.

“Helping families is one of our government’s priorities,” said Premier Brian Gallant. “We want our province to be the best place to raise a family and we need to provide tools such as these three important programs so families can thrive in Saint John and New Brunswick.

“We appreciate these initiatives, which are focused on helping young people who will one day be the workers and innovators driving our economy.”

Funding provided to the Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative in Saint John will be used to assist the implementation of the Early Learning Centre project, Partners Assisting Local Schools, and First Steps.

“On behalf of all the poverty reduction partners in Saint John, we wish to extend a sincere thank you to Premier Gallant and the Government of New Brunswick for recognizing the need and supporting the fine work being achieved in our city to help every child succeed from cradle to career,” said Tom Gribbons, chair of the Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative. “For more than 15 years, business and communities in Saint John have been working together to reduce poverty. What we have learned is that education is the primary route out of poverty and when our children succeed in education, they succeed in life and we all benefit, socially and economically.”

This funding speaks to the government’s commitment to assist the Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative, a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to poverty reduction in Saint John.

Comprised of business and professional leaders, this organization believes that poverty can be substantially reduced if the community’s leadership focuses on this common goal and works with all sectors to achieve change.

The Partners Assisting Local Schools program helps local schools enrich learning opportunities for children by providing volunteers and financial assistance. The initiative focuses upon seven schools located in Saint John’s low-income neighbourhoods.

Under the leadership of the Saint John Early Childhood Development Coalition, the initiative has been working with local service providers through the Early Learning Centre project to strengthen early learning and childcare resources for young children and their parents.

The First Steps program provides a safe and supportive environment where young mothers can continue their education, further their personal development and gain the skills required to thrive as individuals and as parents.