EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – IPL Inc. is rolling out a new thin-walled plastic container for the food industry, SnapPack, thanks to support from the provincial and federal governments.

“Investing in new and innovative technologies will help us create a job-friendly business climate,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Francine Landry. “Our government is making an investment that will create opportunities and increase production capacity at one of our region’s largest employers, IPL Inc.”

Landry made the announcement on behalf of Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Bill Fraser, who is also minister responsible for the Northern and Miramichi Funds.

“Our government’s support is helping IPL Inc. maintain its competitive edge in the food container industry,” said federal Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Minister Bernard Valcourt. “This investment will allow the company to reach new levels of growth and sustainability, generate new competitive products, and increase New Brunswick’s manufacturing capacity.”

The project involved the purchase and installation of two new high-tech robots and molds, allowing the company to produce its new line of containers. The new technology uses 15 per cent less plastic and produces the new containers 20 per cent faster than the ones the company previously produced at the Edmundston plant.

“IPL Inc. appreciates the partnership and support of the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick in launching the production of our new product,” said company president Paul Richardson. “This is an outstanding example of all levels of government coming together with industry and helping improve our ability to grow in a globally-competitive environment. IPL is proud to be part of the Edmundston community and committed to continuing to invest and grow in the community. We look forward to working with all levels of government as we are seeking to bring new technologies to IPL Edmundston and securing a promising future for our employees and their families.”

The provincial government is investing $336,000 into the project. The federal government, through ACOA’s Business Development Program, is providing a repayable contribution of $1 million while the company is investing $704,060.

IPL Inc. is the only manufacturer of food-grade plastic containers in Atlantic Canada. It is a leading North American manufacturer of injection-molded plastic products, including thin-wall overcaps and containers.