FREDERICTON (CNB) – The provincial government is investing $46,000 in a pilot project that will provide peer support for Moncton-area families involved in adoption. Social Development Minister Sue Stultz made the announcement today.

"A peer support network will benefit children and families involved in adoption by helping them understand what to expect and what support is available," said Stultz. "The network will provide information and practical help, and it will offer advice for families seeking assistance and guidance with adoptions."

The New Brunswick Adoption Foundation is establishing the network, which will be available to families in the Moncton region that have adopted, are considering adopting or are waiting to adopt.

"Once the network is established, families involved with adoption will be able to obtain help from other adoptive families within their communities that share the same experiences," Stultz said. "I am confident this network will become a valuable resource for families in the Moncton region that are looking to adopt or have recently adopted."

Key elements in the project include developing:

●    a support network of experienced adoptive families;
●    relationships with service providers upon which adoptive families will be able to draw;
●    extensive training supported by the North American Council on Adoptable Children; and
●    a close working relationship with the regional adoption unit of the Department of Social Development in Moncton.

"Many people and organizations have come together to make the launch of this peer-to-peer network a reality," said Robin Drummond, chair of the foundation. "On a new journey there is nothing quite like the support of peers with experience to ease the way. That is what we are trying to do with this pilot project – to establish a group of peers to help ease the path to successful adoption."  

The project will be evaluated to see if it should be expanded across the province.


●    Department of Social Development: