EDMUNDSTON (GNB) – The provincial government has sent letters of offer to the successful bidders that will create the first round of 343 specialized care beds across New Brunswick during the next two years.

The request for proposals for specialized care beds was part of the provincial government's 2011-16 nursing home renovation and replacement plan. During the next five years, 704 specialized care beds will be created.

"I congratulate the successful bidders and extend my appreciation to all of those who submitted proposals for the time and effort that went into the development of their plans," said Social Development Minister Madeleine Dubé. "I was pleased with the interest from operators who want to work with the provincial government to create specialized care beds that will help reduce waiting lists and transition seniors out of hospitals to provide the proper long-term care they require."

Dubé made the announcement at Les Oeuvres de l'Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Joseph, which received a letter of offer to create 18 specialized care beds in Edmundston.

Proposals from qualified bidders were evaluated by a committee based on criteria in the request for proposals, which included demographics and identified need.

The next steps will be to finalize the details with the successful proponents as the operators will be proceeding with the conversion or construction of additions to facilities or new facilities.

For those facilities that are converting beds, the conversion can begin immediately once beds become available for new clients. For those operators that need to build an addition or a new facility, construction must begin within nine months of receipt of the letter of approval from the department.

All successful proponents must meet the requirements of any acts, regulations and standards pertaining to the operating of a specialized care bed home.

"Investing in senior care is a key part of rebuilding New Brunswick together," said Dubé. "The creation of these new specialized care beds will enhance the quality of life for our seniors suffering from Alzheimer's disease or dementia by ensuring they are cared for in the right environment with the right level of services for their needs."

Specialized care bed homes will provide enhanced services to seniors who suffer from Alzheimer's disease or dementia and require Level 3 care. These clients may require assistance with daily activities but do not require ongoing nursing care or supervision.

A list of the successful proponents is online.


●    Department of Social Development