FREDERICTON (GNB) – Nov. 29 has been declared as Children and Youth in Care Day in New Brunswick.

“It is important for children and youth in care to have a special day to come together to not only raise awareness of the issues facing those in the child welfare system but to also celebrate their accomplishments,” said Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers. “It is my hope that the declaration of this day will demonstrate the value we place on children and youth in care.”

The date was chosen jointly with the Youth in Care Network in honour of the first ever youth in care hearings held on that date in 2012. Organized by the Youth in Care Network, the hearings were an opportunity for government officials to hear the stories of youth who had experiences with the province’s child welfare system.

The provincial government is also joining Partners for Youth in helping to fund the Rosemary McCain McMillin Scholarship, which will assist a youth in or from care who is pursuing a post-secondary education.

“It is an honour to be selected as the first recipient of this scholarship,” said Katherine Adams. “I am very grateful and excited to receive this support as it will assist me in achieving my ultimate goal of becoming a teacher in New Brunswick.”

These initiatives were announced as part of the government response to the recommendations presented in the report A Long Road Home: An account of the first ever New Brunswick Youth in Care Hearings.