FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following is a message from Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers in recognition of Social Work Week, March 15-21:

Social workers are integral to our government’s efforts to uphold values of equality, acceptance and respect for the welfare of all individuals. They play a variety of roles at different stages throughout the lives of New Brunswickers.

There are about 1,600 social workers in the province. The majority work for the Department of Social Development, however, you can find social workers in schools, hospitals and private practice. These professionals work in fields such as social assistance, health care, education, justice, child welfare, First Nations communities, and advocacy organizations.

Social workers help our residents by connecting them to the services, resources and opportunities they need, and by aiding in the development and improvement of social policy.

I encourage all New Brunswickers to take time this week to recognize social workers for their efforts, accomplishments and contributions.