FREDERICTON (GNB) – A new adult day centre for individuals with dementia will open in Fredericton with support from the Home First Strategy.

The provincial government is investing $10.3 million this year in new Home First initiatives.

“Under our Home First Strategy, support for caregivers is an important part of helping keep seniors at home and in their communities,” said Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers. “The creation of new respite spaces will provide relief to caregivers and will help them to continue to care for their loved ones with dementia at home.”

The creation of the new adult day centre in Fredericton will complement the Home First goal of adding 100 new respite spaces in day centres across the province.

“Research has shown that when family caregivers are provided with appropriate support, they are able to keep their family member with dementia at home an average 557 days longer than caregivers who did not receive support,” said Rogers. “This means families remain intact and at home, instead of in hospitals or long-term care facilities.”

There are 17 adult day centres operating in New Brunswick. The goals of the centres include respite for caregivers; provision of meaningful activity outside of the home for persons with dementia and related cognitive impairment; rehabilitation or maintenance of levels of functioning; supervision; socialization and incorporation of a holistic or multidisciplinary approach through the use of community-based services.

Home First is a three-year strategy outlining innovative approaches and initiatives that will better serve the needs of New Brunswick’s aging population and help prevent or delay entry into hospitals and nursing homes.