FREDERICTON (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant and Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers will meet with seniors groups to discuss the future of seniors care in New Brunswick as well as the provincial government’s initiatives to help seniors and their families.

“New Brunswick is facing a daunting challenge – balancing the needs of an aging population with the rising cost and pressures on the long-term care system.” said Rogers. “This meeting will be an opportunity for Premier Brian Gallant and I to discuss the future of seniors care in our province with those groups who represent, and work with, seniors every day.”

One of the government’s three key priorities is helping New Brunswick families and providing quality care for seniors is an essential part of advancing that priority. During the meeting, the government’s broad plans for senior care will be presented and there will be an opportunity to discuss recent policy decisions which may impact some seniors.

“We want our province’s seniors to be able to stay in their own homes as long as they can and we will provide support for seniors and their caregivers to do so,” said Rogers. “Currently, more than half our long-term care budget goes towards nursing home care even though less than eight per cent of seniors go into nursing homes.”