MIRAMICHI (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant hosted an Opportunities Summit for the health and aging sector today in Miramichi.

“New Brunswick has the fastest-growing aging population in Canada, which comes with added fiscal pressures in health and senior care,” said Gallant. “But it also creates opportunities for economic growth. Our province has the potential to lead the country in the health and aging sector.”

The sector employs close to 35,000 people across the province.

Discussions focused on what healthy aging looks like in New Brunswick, the opportunities for economic growth within that area and how to leverage existing advantages in this sector.

“The summit was an excellent opportunity to meet with stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities in this sector,” said Health Minister Victor Boudreau.

The province recently announced the appointees to the Council on Aging, which has been tasked with developing an aging strategy for New Brunswick.

“This strategy will serve as the foundation for a framework that will guide all action on issues affecting seniors and the aging experience in New Brunswick and will have an impact on the health and aging sector,” said Social Development Minister Cathy Rogers.

A series of Opportunities Summits are taking place around the province to identify new prospects for creating jobs and economic growth. The opportunities identified will be reviewed and evaluated for development as part of an economic action plan for the province.