FREDERICTON (GNB) – The following message was released today by Social Development Minister Bruce Fitch in recognition of National Foster Family Week, Oct 17-24:

To celebrate National Foster Family Week, I want to thank all the foster families in New Brunswick for all they do. We are very grateful that foster families open their homes and their hearts to children and young people in care who need it the most.

Foster families offer love and support to children when they can no longer live safely in their own homes. We owe our foster families an enormous amount of gratitude for their dedication and commitment.

It is always the department’s goal to reunite children and young people with their families. Some children can receive services in their own home while other children must be placed in foster care. When reunions are not possible, foster families support the child or youth as they transition to an adoptive family or continue fostering the child or youth on a long-term basis.

The Department of Social Development is committed to improving its continuum of care for children and young people. We are always seeking new foster families throughout the province and would encourage those interested to contact the department by calling 1-800-990-0119.

To all the foster families across New Brunswick; thank you all from the bottom of my heart.