SAINT ANDREWS (GNB) – Premier Brian Gallant hosted an Opportunities Summit for the provincial tourism industry today in Saint Andrews.

“The tourism industry is an important job creator for New Brunswick,” said Gallant. “By working with tourism stakeholders, we want to grow this vibrant sector of our economy.”

Discussions focused on identifying current and future opportunities within the province’s tourism industry to create jobs and grow the economy.

The tourism industry employs 31,850 people in New Brunswick and contributes $522 million annually to the provincial GDP. For every public dollar spent marketing the province, there is a return of $3.50 which supports education, health care and social programs.

“The tourism industry brings visitors to our province, but also attracts investment,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister Bill Fraser. “We need to invest in infrastructure to remain competitive and attractive as a destination. We have taken a strategic approach to fund those initiatives with the greatest potential for growth and job creation in the tourism industry.”

A series of Opportunities Summits are taking place around the province to identify new prospects for creating jobs and economic growth. The opportunities identified will be reviewed and evaluated for development as part of an economic action plan for the province.