FREDERICTON (GNB) – The government is now accepting grant applications for the ArtsSmarts and artist-in-residency school programs.

“Our 10-year education plans include objectives related to improving students’ learning in and application of the arts,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Brian Kenny. “These grants provide our students with the opportunity to express themselves and to think creatively and critically through education in the arts.”

“As a government, we recognize the important role of arts education and how artistic participation enriches the learning experience,” said Tourism, Heritage and Culture Minister John Ames. “These grants provide youth with diverse learning opportunities in the arts while providing professional New Brunswick artists with career development and employment opportunities.”

The grant from the Artist-in-Residency School Program funds art projects that are based on fine arts curricular outcomes and are a collaboration between teachers and local artists. Schools in anglophone school districts may submit projects in artistic disciplines such as music, dance, theatre arts, literature and media arts. Grants are valued at up to $3,000 per residency. Five residencies per school district are selected each fiscal year. Additional grants may be awarded to the remaining top-scoring residencies, budget permitting. The deadline to apply is Sept. 29.

ArtsSmarts is a program that provides students with the opportunity to enhance artistic activities linked to educational outcomes. The program links students with local artists, integrates arts into subjects not related to arts, and increases critical thinking skills through participation in artistic activities. Grants are valued at $3,000. The deadline to apply is Sept. 29.