PRINCE WILLIAM (GNB) – Due to the unpredictable nature of COVID-19 and recognizing that all health zones may stay in the Orange Alert level for the next several weeks, Kings Landing has cancelled Maple: The First Taste of Spring (previously Sugar Bush).

For over 35 years, Kings Landing has welcomed guests in March to mark the coming of spring and celebrate New Brunswick’s maple history.

“This event is a tradition many New Brunswickers hold dear,” said Mary Baruth, CEO of the corporation. “The decision to cancel it this year was not an easy one.”

The open-air museum can only open to the public if the Fredericton/River Valley Health Zone (3) is in the Yellow level. In past years, Sugar Bush has provided the site with its busiest days in terms of attendance. However, the corporation wants to avoid the risk of contributing to any community spread and aims to keep its staff safe.

“We know this will come as a disappointment to many who look forward to visiting Kings Landing during our off-season,” says Baruth. “Our team is equally saddened, but we also realize this is the safest and smartest decision.”

Staff are exploring ways for the public to experience some aspects of Maple: The First Taste of Spring virtually. Those interested are encouraged to keep an eye on the corporation’s website, Facebook and Instagram @KingsLandingNB. The corporation is also considering ways to open to the public later this spring if it is safe to do so and will share details when this information becomes available.

Kings Landing opens for its 2021 season on June 9. Visit their website for their calendar of events.